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Tactical Training Qualification Campaign for A-10C

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Having qualified to fly in BFT, and to operate offensive and defensive systems in AATQ, it is now time to put it all together and show that you can not just operate the A-10C but also coordinate with other elements in a complex combat arena. Operating out of Vaziani AFB, Georgia, you will participate in the Agile Spirit training exercise.

As with the previous qualification campaigns, all flight instructions and performance comments are voiced but there is no storyline to speak of. Your progression to the next mission relies on passing specified criteria in terms of performing the tasks demanded of you, with precision and to the letter, much in line with the official 11-2 instruction criteria for operations. The campaign includes an amplified checklist that goes through all the steps you need to learn and perform, and each mission presents a set of criteria for its different qualification levels. Having the checklist handy, either separate to the game or converted to a in-game kneeboard, is almost a requirement.

The missions

Each of the 15 qualification steps consists of a practice session and a qualification session. You also have to deal with ROE, flight restrictions, and no-fire zones as you ingress, egress, and engage with targets in the training area. The tasks themselves are getting into the more complex systems, procedures, and roles of the A-10C:

  • FAC and JTAC coordination: contact, receive target and talk-on information, attack clearance.
  • Stationary and moving targets: timely and accurate target acquisition, identification and attack at night.
  • Danger close tasking: timely and precise target acquisition, identification/separation, and delivery of guided and unguided munitions.
  • SEAD tasking: identification and prioritisation of targets; delivery of guided and unguided munitions for maximum degradation.
  • Deep interdiction tasking, day: identification of targets, evasion of air defences.
  • Deep interdiction tasking, night: identification of targets, evasion of air defences.
  • Deep interdiction Special Forces coordination: contact with ground forces, target talk-on, night-time CAS to cover ground extraction.
  • SADL datalink engagement: target designation and linking for other flight elements.
  • CAS mission management, day: coordination between ground and air units; identifying and attacking targets of opportunity to protect ground element.
  • CAS mission management, night: coordination between ground and air units; identifying and attacking targets of opportunity to protect ground element.
  • BAI mission management, day: acquire and attack ground targets in a designated ground sweep zone.
  • BAI mission management, night: acquire and attack ground targets in a designated ground sweep zone.
  • CSAR mission management, day: establish hold pattern for on-call CAS; coordinate with and support helicopter element.
  • CSAR mission management, night: establish hold pattern for on-call CAS; coordinate with and support helicopter element.
  • Simulated combat mission: perform strikes, on-call CAS, and CSAR support as needed.

Each lesson builds on the previous ones, and at the end of each mission, you will be grade with a pass or fail (or qualified or non-qualified) on the learning tasks for that segment. Later missions build on and incorporate elements of earlier missions, meaning JTAC and FAC coordination, threat avoidance, and danger-close deliveries become parts of the requirements after their introduction.

More information

DCS World
Campaign modules
A‑10C Basic Flight Training Qualification (BFTQ) · Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification (AATQ) · Tactical Training Qualification Campaign (TTQC) · 16‑2 Red Flag · The Enemy Within · Operation Piercing Fury · Stone Shield · Operation Persian Freedom
AJS‑37 16‑2 Red Flag
AV‑8B NA Sky Warrior
Bf 109 K‑5 Jagdflieger
Combined Arms Frontlines Georgia
F‑5E‑3 Aggressors Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM) · Aggressors Air Combat Maneuver (ACM) · Black Sea Resolve ′79
F‑14A & B Zone 5 · Fear the Bones
F‑15C Aggressors BFM · 16‑2 Red Flag · The Georgian War
F‑16C Red Flag 21-1
F/A‑18C Aggressors BFM · Operation Pontus · Raven One · Rising Squall · The Serpent's Head 2
F‑86F Hunters over the Yalu · The Museum Relic
Fw 190 A‑8 Horrido!
Ka‑50 Memory of a Hero · Republic · Pandemic
L‑39 Kursant
M‑2000C M‑2000C Red Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon
Mi‑8MTV2 The Border Campaign · Crew Part 1 · Memory of a Hero · Oilfield Campaign
MiG‑15bis The Museum Relic
P‑47D Wolfpack
P‑51D The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney · Charnwood · High Stakes
Spitfire L.F. Mk. IX The Big Show · Operation Epsom
Su‑27 The Ultimate Argument
UH‑1H Argo · Worlds Apart - Spring 2025