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F-16C Viper

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AlphaIcon.png This is an alpha module.

This module is still being developed and is missing central features and equipment options. While it is playable, it may have major bugs, and procedures may have inconsistent or unexpected results. The intrepid and very interested may want to buy it; others should probably wait for a more stable or complete release.

DCS F-16C 700x1000 v3-1.jpg
F-16C icon.png

Once upon a time, there were some deep rumblings within the defence establishment from a self-proclaimed “Fighter Mafia” that claimed that post-WWII aircraft development had taken a wrong turn. Instead of the on-going trend of expensive higher-tech, missile-laden, huge-engined multi-purpose fighters and bombers, this group advocated cheap, simple, nimble, single-purpose aircraft focused on two key roles: in-close dogfighting (because BFR was a fool's errand) and close air support where energy-manoeuvrability (E-M) was the one performance measure to rule them all.

The result of the Mafia's efforts were three aircraft: the A-10, the F-15, and the F-16. The A-10 ended up as a high-tech, missile-laden, far-from-single-purpose (if still CAS-focused) sensor array and bomb truck. The F-15 became a costly, high-tech, missile-laden, huge-engined BFR interceptor (and later a multi-purpose bomber as well, just to rub it in). And the F-16 — the finest example of their core tenets — became a high-tech, missile-laden, huge-engined, BFR/dogfighter/fighter-bomber platform onto which every conceivable piece of aircraft tech could be (and was) bolted, creating the multiest-rolliest thing in the sky. Zero for three for the Fighter Mafia, but still a highly impressive legacy.

The F-16C Viper is the last DCS module to complete the trifecta and an attempt give people a reason to finally abandon Falcon BMS. It is also, almost ironically and in spite of how it evolved over the years, still the aircraft that most closely matches the initial ideas of the E-M fighter: a ridiculously manoeuvrable dogfighter that just so happened to be an excellent airframe for a ton of other roles.


Much like — some would argue much more than — the F/A-18 that was its main competition in the Lightweight Fighter trials, the F-16C is a multi-role fighter, working as the USAF bulk workhorse for many decades. As such, again much like with the Hornet, a full feature list would become ridiculously long. The main highlights are:

  • Almost unrivalled manoeuvrability.
  • Moon-rocket engine performance — if you somehow get outmanoeuvred, just fly away and try again.
  • A superbly user-friendly HOTAS and MFD setup.
  • A highly capable and almost as user-friendly in-your-face interface in the form of the Integrated Control Panel (ICP) and Data Entry Display (DED).
  • Backup steam gauges (in case the fancy displays go down) that are still almost reasonably and usefully placed.
  • A highly capable navigation and sensor suite tied in with datalinks to keep your situational awareness high.
  • Helmet-cued AIM-9X over-the-shoulder IR missiles for up-close work and AMRAAMS for BFR duty.
  • HARMs and CBU-97s for SEAD and DEAD missions.
  • More Mavericks than any rivet-counter finds reasonable.

Missing features

The F-16C Viper is marked as Early Access in the DCS store for very good reasons. A lot of forum drama has been caused by a constant push and pull between work on the Viper and the completion of the Hornet module, and many systems and tools familiar to old BMS players are still missing — more still will never come.

  • Most of the fancy navigation trickery on the DED (VIP and VRP offsets, optimal cruise modes, mark points etc).
  • Proper sensor integration with HUD marking, cursor zero, and hand-off modes.
  • All forms of inertially guided weapons (JDAM:s, JSOW:s, CBU guidance kits).
  • Advanced HARM target modes and the HARM Targeting System pod.
  • Proper weapon setup and HSI programming via data cassette (some of it is cheated and automatically populated on the HSI).
  • Ground radar.

In particular, ED has stated that some much-loved features from BMS will never come because the block simulated in the Viper module never had them:

  • GBU-39 SDB:s
  • JSOW-B:s
  • Terrain-following radar and LANTIRN overlays.

Flying the F-16C

Cockpit overview

F-16C Viper dashboard. F-16C Viper cockpit.

Getting into the air

Shooting something

BVR engagement

Using the HARM

F-16C over Beirut

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