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Hurricane Mk. II

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The Hawker Hurricane Mk. II is a collector fighter of IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles.

Hangar view

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Important facts and figures

Engine management

  • Climb power time limit: 1h.
  • Combat power time limit: 5min.
  • Supercharger gear shift altitude: 13'000ft.
  • Engine water temperature must be kept between 60°C and 125°C.
  • Engine oil temperature must be kept between 15°C and 90°C.
  • Automatic fuel mixture (no pilot input required).

Airspeed considerations

  • Vne: 390mph / 630km/h.
  • Stall speed without flaps: 80-95mph / 132-155km/h.
  • Stall speed with flaps: 75-90mph / 123-144km/h.
  • Stock flat out top speed at sea level: 282mph / 455km/h.
  • Flat out top speed at sea level with the modded engine: 290mph / 466 km/h.

Flying the Hurricane

Out of combat

Startup and taxi

  • RPM 100%.
  • Throttle 10-15%.
  • Yaw trimmer strongly to the right (30-50% according to your preference).
  • Begin engine startup sequence.
  • For taxiing, be aware that the tailwheel doesn't lock, therefore the plane will need careful handling on the ground.


  • Open the radiators for the initial climb to altitude (20% in winter, 60% in summer).
  • Smoothly throttle up to full power.
  • Use right rudder to hold the plane straight.
  • Takeoff speed is around 100-120mph.
  • Once airborne, reduce RPM and throttle until desired climb power is reached. Adjust the yaw trimmer until the slip indicator is centred.


  • Pitch trim to achieve the desired attitude.
  • Keep an eye on your radiator temperature and adjust the radiator flaps if necessary.
  • Adjust the yaw trimmer until the slip indicator is centred.
  • Dont forget to shift your supercharger gear at 13'000ft.


  • Pitch trim to achieve the desired attitude.
  • Keep an eye on your radiator temperature and adjust the radiator flaps if necessary. You may need to close them more than you think!
  • Adjust the yaw trimmer until the slip indicator is centred.


  • Keep an eye on your radiator temperature and adjust the radiator flaps if necessary. You may need to close them more than you think!
  • Extend flaps below 120mph.
  • Landing speed is around 80mph.
  • After touchdown, let the plane roll for a little while before applying the brakes.

In combat


The Hurricane is an interesting plane to fight with, because it has either great strenghts or glaring weaknesses. Therefore, you must carefully pick your fights or mind game your opponents into falling for your trap and flying where you are strong.

Even once it is outclassed by German fighters, its sheer firepower (with Hispanos equipped) means that it remains viable a surprisingly long time either for defending against bombers, or shredding fighters too stupid to stay away from it's guns.


  • Incredible turn rate.
  • Good pitch authority.
  • Stable and easy to fly gun platform.
  • Good sutained climb rate (for it's speed).
  • Good low speed handling.
  • When equipped with Hispanos: by far the best armament of all allied planes until the Typhoon and Tempest arrive.


  • Low flat out speed.
  • Awful Vne.
  • Awful energy retention.
  • Can't prop hang.
  • Poor roll rate.
  • Low ammunition (Hispanos, ShVak) / Negligible damage output (.303).
  • Sub par rear visibility.

Flying against the Hurricane

Do this

Abuse his low speed, low Vne and poor roll rate.

Dive on him, follow through and zoom climb away. Once at a safe distance from his guns, turn around and repeat until he fucks up his jinking and you kill him.

If you get stuck at low speed, roll in one direction, then quickly reverse and turn the other way. Use this breathing space to extend (if possible in a dive) and set up an energy advantage over him.

Repect the reach of the Hispanos: they are lethal beyond 500m in the right hands.

Do not do this

Turn fight.


Merlin XX engine with +14lb boost

Adds 11km/h flat out speed at sea level. It's an appreciable increase in power and should always be taken if available.

Air cleaner

Never take this, unless you want to roleplay.

Rear view mirror

Situationally useful, but costs almost no speed and is fairly unobtrusive, so take it if you feel like it.

Four additional .303s

If you must take .303s, then this will allow you to tickle your opponent a bit harder. It's always good fun to have 12(!) guns to shoot. BRRRRT!

Four Hispano MK. II 20mm cannons

These guns are the proof that God was on Britain's side. Awesome firepower, easy to hit with thanks to a flat trajectory, high rate of fire. These guns make the Hurricane a good plane, with firepower that's only ever matched on the allied side, and exceeded by the Germans only once the Fw 190 A-6 enters service.

Sure, they cost you top speed, but you're already slow anyway.

Two BS 12.7mm and two ShVak 20mm guns

Very meh. The ShVak is a far worse cannon than the Hispano. Little ammo, low firepower. Avoid if possible.

Vickers 40mm gun pods

Powerful against ground targets, but tricky to use due to the very low rate of fire and very limited ammunition.

If loaded with HE shells and aimed very carefully, can be used as a meme cannon against planes. If, if, you hit, you will vaporize almost any plane in one shot.

Can be had with or without armor. The armor adds a lot of weight, so be aware of the tradeoffs you're making.


It's Hurribomber time!

Rivet counting

IRL History