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Revision as of 00:03, 23 March 2019

This page is primarily meant to let Airgoons list their modules and primary role interests so that mission makes can get an idea of exactly how infeasible their neat idea is as far as finding enough players (at least in MP) to actually play it. You will not be audited — not listing a module because you don't want to fly it will result in commissar not exactly have any consequences.

If wiki markup is too headache-inducing, just fill out this survey and it'll be transferred here eventually. If not, the easiest way is to just copy/paste an existing line (don't forget the initial |- that separates one line from another) and edit to your own liking.

DCS Modules


Name A-10C AJS-37 AV-8B F-5 F-14 F/A-18C F-86 FC3 MiG-15 MiG-19 MiG-21 M2k
Burno X X X X X X X X X X X X
Dandywalken X X
Dark Off X X X
Forums Terrorist X X X X X X X X X X X X
Jae X X X X X
Makrond X X X X
Oglogod X X X X X X X
OwlofDoom X X X
SaulKain X X X X X X X X X X X
Tippis X X X X X X X X X X X X
warkcake X X X X X

Props and helos

Name Bf 109 Fw 190 P-51D Spitfire Ka-50 Mi-8 SA342 UH-1H
Burno X X X X X X X X
Dandywalken X
Dark Off X
Forums Terrorist X X X X X
Makrond X X X X X
Oglogod X X X X X
SaulKain X X X X
Tippis X X X X X X X X
warcake X


Name C-101 CE2 L-39 Hawk Yak-52
Burno X X X
Forums Terrorist X
Makrond X
Tippis X X X

Terrains and oddities

Name Nevada Normandy WWII Assets Persian Gulf Combined Arms
Burno X X X X X
Forums Terrorist X X X
Jae X
Makrond X
Oglogod X X X
OwlofDoom X X X X X
SaulKain X X X X X
Tippis X X X X X
warcake X

Skillz / interests

Name A2A A2G Refueling Carriers RIO Instruction GCI Click-fest[1]
Burno X X X X X X X X
Forums Terrorist X X X X X X X
Jae X X X X X
Makrond X X X X X
Oglogod X X X X X X
SaulKain X X X X X X
Tippis X X X X X
warcake X X X X X
  1. In other words, you think cold-starts and similar systems-geekery can be fun at times.